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razrab-technol 01    razrab-technol 02

  • Technology of processing of oxidized Nickel-cobalt ores pyrometallurgical method of obtaining ferronickel more than 90% when the content of 11-12% and hydrometallurgical obtaining Nickel, cobalt removing more than 90%, Shevchenko Deposit (Kosmuhambetov A.R.).
  • Technology of processing of copper-lead-zinc-gold-bearing pyrite ore "Rubtsovsk" Russian Federation. Designed and commissioned concentrator.
  • Chlorine electro-technology of production of cathode Nickel and cobalt from oxidized ores Shevchenko, Ekibastuz-Ledertasche, Pocketconsole fields.
  • Electro-technology for processing unfired copper sulfide flotation concentrate. Tested in pilot conditions for JSC manantali by order of the East Paut Ltd.
  • The technology of direct extraction of the AI from cyanide solutions without sorption on coal, tar, specidic electrodes (Waliszewska T.U. and Kosmuhambetov A.R.).
  • The technology of extracting tin from tin ore Syrymbet.
  • Technology of processing of copper-molybdenum ores Drozhilovskoe, Smirnovskaya fields and Shor mine.
  • The technology for cleaner drinking water, include ASG-filter elements, enterprises, institutions, residential buildings and other objects of Kazakhstan (including the Presidential Palace, the Kazakhstan hotel in Almaty city and so on).