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  • Innovative HiTeCC in Kazakhstan

     Innovative process HiTeCC - High Temperature Caustic Conditiong first time in Kazakhstan will be implemented in Suzdal Steel Plant Complex enrichment and metallurgy JSC FIC "Alel".   The technology is designed for the additional recovery of gold from tailings sorption leaching cakes BIOX, with the effect of  "preg-robbing".

     Branch of RSE "NC IMR RK" GNPOPE "Kazmehanobr" from December 2014 began work on the development and design of production hall for testing in experimental-industrial conditions of innovative technologies in the area HiTeCC "Suzdal". Currently, "Kazmehanobr" has already developed technological regulations and in cooperation with BIOMIN with the active participation of specialists of JSC FIC "Alel" develops projects and documentation. In the second quarter of 2015 it is planned to start construction department.

     The successful development of technology HiTeCC at Suzdal plant will receive additional gold-bearing products - dore and open the way for other companies to Kazakhstan for processing "double refractory" ores.


  • Technology of hydrometallurgical processing of polymetallic ores, concentrates and middlings metallurgical production using electrochemical and electro-membrane processes for recovery of copper, gold, silver, Nickel, cobalt, tin and other valuable components.


  • Improving the technology of hydrometallurgical processing of uranium raw materials using ultrafast ion-exchange processes.


  • Technology of heap leaching of gold using new efficient devices, means of control of the processes of sorption, desorption of gold, resin regeneration and electrolysis.


  • Processing technology of rare metals and rare earth materials.


  • The technology of extracting metals from ores, industrial products, concentrates and technogenic raw materials using combined methods of dissection.


  • Technology and ultra-fast processes based on the use of synthesized sorptive-filtration and membrane materials; Apparatuses and devices based on the use of synthesized sorptive-filtration and membrane materials.


  • Development of design work on the design of the complex of Kazakhstan and abroad.


  • The manufacture of nonstandard equipment, water treatment plants, control equipment, components for automation systems.